Have you ever been woken up by a horrible smell? Well, I have twice, & last night was the second of those two times. Last summer was the other time.
It was 3:30 in the morning. The reek was from a skunk, & it was really close. The first thing that I did when I got up & was greeted by Dublin was to pick him up & smell him. He smelled fine – so that I knew that the skunk hadn’t sprayed into our home, thankfully! I came out here & closed one of the two windows I’d had cracked open, I sprayed a Febreeze-like product & it helped pretty well right away. I then remembered the other window that was cracked open, & I shut that.
I returned to bed, but I couldn’t fall back asleep ‘til about 5 or so. Ugh! I had to be up for work, &, needless to say, when I got up, I wasn’t fully awake. Thankfully I had my cold chai latte that I’d put in the freezer last week, & I’d taken it out of the freezer last night. It was thawed enough for me to drink it, & so I brought it along to work with me. It helped me be awake enough for my shift & to drive back here to Agassiz.
When I got home, the place didn’t smell all that good. I’d left the windows closed, but I opened one up wide because, even though it’s warm, it’s cool enough with the breeze that’s been going all day to not get hot in here. There was a faint odour of skunk here yet, but there was also the smell of the stuff in the plastic bucket that I was wanting to put into the compost. Our compost thing is right full, though, & so I can’t fit it in. So I just put it in a black garbage back & put two more over that. Because the smell was here before, it’s lingering. I’ve sprayed room freshener, but it’ll be a while before it goes away, I think.Ugh! I had every fan in my place going, including the bathroom fan & the over-the-stove fan, &, while that all helped, it’s still here. *sigh!*
Oh, well! At least I could air the place out when Dublin went outside today for a while. So I happily left my front door open. I also left the door from my kitchen to the laundry room open as well as the outside laundry room door. That did help as well. I’ll do the same when Dub goes outside tomorrow morning, too. I also have the one window wide open.
In time it’ll go away, but until then, well, yeah, ugh!
It was wonderful to have milk here at home this morning! I’ve not eaten much today since I’m not really hungry, but it’s still good to know that it’s here when I want it.
I saw a container of spiral noodles in the freezer last night, & I was going to take it out of the freezer this morning, but I changed my mind. I’m glad that I did change my mind. So I’m going to have it another day. Maybe tomorrow. It’s just nice to know that it’s there.
I went to the local produce store today & saw bags of overripe bananas for 99 cents each. So I bought a bag & put them on a cookie sheet that I’d lined with wax paper. Then I slid that into the freezer. It’ll be nice to not freeze my fingers on the peels later on when I go to use them. Once they’re truly well & frozen, I’ll stick them into a freezer bag so that they’re ready when I want to use them. One of these days I want to make banana bread, but, for now, I’ll most likely use these for “ice cream.” I’m planning on checking the produce store every time I go in for these bags of bananas from now on – it’s a great deal & a good way to make sure that I have plenty of frozen bananas for various things.
When I was there, I also saw 6-packs of small pizza shells. There was one kind that cost $3-something (almost $4, if I remember correctly) & another that cost just over $2. They were exactly the same. So I bought the lesser priced one. They’re good to have because homemade pizza’s just as good as store bought or the stuff from a restaurant. Better in many ways because I can put just what I want on it. If all I want is cheese – which is quite often – then I can have just cheese. Mm!
I also bought Granny Smith apples & one Ambrosia apple as well as some other bananas just for eating now. There were some good-looking strawberries, & so I snatched up a carton of those. They’re not local ones – the local ones looked too soft & I just want the strawberries to eat raw & now. That’s all right. I did buy a 4 litre jug of milk & a large loaf of bread, which is what I’d planned on getting in the first place. So all’s good!
It feels good to buy bargains if they’re things that I’ll use & not just taking advantage of bargains just because they’re bargains. I don’t think that they’re truly bargains then because, chances are, they’ll just go to waste & not at all used. That’s my experience, anyway.
Well, this is today’s post. Take care & thanks for reading it!
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